Who is the current system working for? Take Action Over the past decade Tier 2 COLA rates have not keep pace with inflation and have been three times less than inflation adjustments for Tier 1. At a time when costs are climbing higher, can we trust that teachers retiring with Tier 2 benefits are going to be able to keep up? It’s time we demand more. Demand More Almost 15% of TRSIL Tier 2 member contributions are going to pay for the $78 billion funding shortfall that is primarily accumulated on Tier 1 teacher benefits. While Teachers enrolled in TRSIL Tier 2 are paying for the pension debt on Tier 1 benefits, they will receive retirement income with less than half the value of Tier 1 teachers. That doesn’t seem fair. Add your name to our open letter and let’s fix IL teacher’s retirement benefits together: Add Your Name Why are TRSIL Tier 2 teachers being forced to make contributions into the pension fund to pay down the unfunded liability for Tier 1 benefits? Make It Make Sense Someone should tell new teachers entering TRS that they only have a 50/50 chance of actually earning any benefits that would put them on a path to retirement income security. Tell Them Illinois needs to do more to ensure its retirement systems are properly funded, both for Chicago and the rest of the state. Tell Them In its own 2021 valuation report, TRSIL stated that Tier 2 benefits would lose value in retirement, while tier 1 benefits would keep pace with inflation. Join us to close the IL Teacher Retirement Income Gap Join Us For an Illinois teacher hired at age 25 who will work 35 years as a teacher, the lifetime monetary value of a Tier 1 pension is around $1.3 million. If you were hired after [X Date] and are enrolled in Tier 2, the value is only about $640,000. Why are Illinois teachers being denied equal compensation for equal work? Learn more and sign our open letter: Learn More TRS estimates that over 25 years a Tier 1 teacher who retires with a $50k pension will see that grow to $100k, due to the 3% COLA rule. But a Tier 2 teacher is likely only going to see that grow to around $60k. These are numbers from the TRS actuary. Illinois legislative leaders passed Tier 2 benefits without almost any public debate. And now an entire generation of teachers is getting stuck in a retirement income gap. Change It Is this really a retirement plan for all teachers? Illinois needs retirement benefits that work for all teachers. Make It Happen