Join us in demanding fairness, portability, education and sustainability for Illinois Educator’s retirement.

Illinois Educators for Fair Retirement understands the importance of investing in our teachers’ futures to ensure the futures of our children.

So many people, when they are at the beginning of their careers, start their jobs focused on doing the best they can at work, rather than contemplating what their lives will look like when they retire. The vast majority of teachers who are relegated to the Tier 2 retirement package in Illinois face a future that promises inadequate retirement benefits, no access to Social Security, and the very real prospect of needing low-income assistance in retirement. We want to educate our Tier 2 teachers so they know the unsustainable future that awaits them and alert Tier 1 teachers to the inequity of the Tier 2 program, so all teachers can help change a system badly in need of thoughtful revision.

Sign our open letter to show your support.


  • Illinois Educators for Fair Retirement

    Sign our open letter to show your support
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